
Little Mosque in the City

With funny CBC show Little Mosque on the Prairie, it's easy for us to forget that the Muslim religion is one of serious traditions. Traditions that many immigrants hold true to and want their children to uphold. The problem with that is in our multicultural society, some Muslim children may not want to adhere to their parents wish for them to keep up their faith. The result? Usually they are denounced from the family. In worse case scenario we have what happened to 16 year old Aqsa Parvez.

After refusing to wear the Hijab, the young student was strangled to death by her father. It was an unintentional crime but nevertheless she died from her injuries. She was probably not the first Muslim to want to not follow traditions while living in our Canadian society but her story is most tragic.

While many are quick to judge and send there harsh criticism to her family and the Muslim religion it is important for us not to forget remember the precious life that was lost.

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