
Oprah's Big Nothing

How could a show with such a good basis be ridiculed with so many flaws? How could a show created by the Queen of Talk T.V. (and everything else) turn out to be nothing more than Harpo’s (Oprah's production company) attempt to cash in on reality T.V.

The show’s creators have taken the theme of a 2006 Oprah show where she gives $200 to audience members and asks them to find creative ways to bless someone else with the money. The resulted events of that challenge were taped and made for a good episode of the Oprah Winfrey Show. The premise of the show though some how became more like a season of Amazing Race than the movie Pay It Forward.

It’s a rat race for each pair of contestants to try to fund raise as much as they can for a needy person whom the show has selected for them (info on "needy" persons to follow).

Anyone who has ever fund raised knows how hard it is to get one dollar much less thousands of dollars no matter how good the cause is. So how is it that these participants managed to all accumulate ridiculous amounts in the matter of a few days? Could it be the name Oprah?

And the persons who they are supposed to be aided are questionable too. Yes, at first it's a tear jerker when you hear their story but then you start to realize some things. For example, the former med student from Watts who escaped da hood- to become a plastic surgeon? Come on. They couldn't find a pediatrician? What about the solider who had no place to live and had health bills? Doesn't the government take care of him? Oh and probably the most touching, the 34 year old mother of two with no job. They give her a house and car and even a financial advisor but what she needed was an education and some training (she said it herself).

Oprah missed the mark on this show. Many say that it wasn't worth them watching and those who watched were not entertained. How many more episodes to go? This bad t.v. is reminiscent of Tyler Perry's show, you can't wait until it's off the air.

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