In the words of Miss Jackson: "They said it wouldn't last [Obama running for president], we had to prove them wrong."
It seems like the change that we can believe in is only five month away!
Obama winning shows that America is more sexist than racist.
Congrats to Hilary though for her attempt to become the first female president. Maybe one day it will be a reality. Shoot, I can't wait to see if a Black US president is going to be a reality.
Amongst reports of democrats willing to vote for McCain instead of Obama (maybe just because he is Black or maybe just because he beat Hilary), I can't help but to feel that the US would never allow another four years at the helm of a republican. Surely their senses would prevail and they would vote for Obama just because they are sick of the war, the growing debt, the looming recession....and everything else (too much to type) that the Bush administration will be hated remembered for.
Oh yes, a happy day is coming indeed.
May God bless Obama and keep him safe.
for more info on Hilary's demise read this article: http://www.npr.org/watchingwashington/2008/06/who_did_this_to_hillary.html
her number one issue was thinking that Obama wasn't competition
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